"(In) Fertile Embodiment: revealing the invisibility of infertility between the medical and maternal through feminist art practice"
AHRC funded Practice based PhD at Birmingham City University School of Art and Cultural Studies and De Montfort University Centre for Reproduction Research (2022-26):
MyPhD research is concerned with expanding understandings of (In)fertility beyond the medical. Linking language and corporeality, it explores embodied experiences that occur through contemporary, (“patient”-led) im/material online and digital encounters of infertility, to reveal emotional invisible stories and silent conversations. It draws on feminist notions of affectivity in "becoming" maternal within these self-care labours, queering time (its diseased chronicity), and fertile identities, though new alternative subjectivities. This mobilises the sensory through making with performative photography, data/text visualisation, and participatory bio-art methods, to investigate a narrative of creative care within Art & Health, building on historical feminist practice around lived experience.
How is infertility visualised and verbalised within contemporary online spaces, articulating new embodied infertile subjectivities?
How can art practice re-present narratives of creative care around the dis-eased female body through reimagining (in)fertile experience?
Supported using a full Doctoral research funding award by AHRC through Midlands 4 Cities.
Arts Council funded Research Project (2021-22):

This research-led project investigated the invisibility of Infertility within the new wave of maternal visual arts. Its aimed to explore and visually theorise the transformational process of becoming a (M)Other, challenging traditional reproduction to reconceive a sub-maternal. Its themes were focused on Embodiment - looking at embryonic/egg imaging, re-appropriating (male) science to question the commodification & mechanisation of the female body; and Identity – looking at the infertile female and its challenge to the feminine economy and normative motherhood within capitalist neo-liberal society.
The project ran for 12 months from March 2021 to March 2022 (although many collaborations continue).
Supported using public funding by Arts Council England.

Conversations in Silence ...moreBOOK CONTRIBUTION: AN ARTIST AND A MOTHER
FORTHCOMING: "Ma – reframing the representation of the maternal subject in the (negative) space of (m)otherhood" in An Artist and A Mother book by Demeter Press. ...moreLECTURE: DELIVERED AT COVENTRY BIENNIAL...
Delivering Mothers Who Make: 'Infertility in the Arts' Artist Lecture ...moreEXHIBITION: I WANT YOUR DRAWING. THREE OF OBSESSIONS
Human Algorithm series" shown at I Want Your Drawing Exhibition in Madrid, Spain. ...moreEXHIBITION: FEATURED ARTIST AT THE PETRI DISH PROJECT, TEBBS GALLERY...
Very pleased to be asked to show my work at The Petri Dish Project by @tebbscontemporaryartgalleryGreat range of art works looking at the connections between Art & Science and more. ...more
Exchanging ideas with Heather Michel Riddle ...moreARTIST MEETING: WITH CHRISTIANA UPDEGRAFF..
Exchanging ideas with Christiana Updegraff ...moreRESEARCH VISIT: BIRTH RITES SUMMER SCHOOL..
An intensive learning week at the Birth Rites Collection Summer School ...moreAWARD SHORTLIST: JERWOOD PHOTOWORKS AWARD...
Through my work on this project with public participants, I was shortlisted for the prestigious Jerwood Photoworks award with my proposal of a "Domestic Archive on Infertility" ...moreMAGAZINE CONTRIBUTION: MATERNAL ART
"Reconceive Invisibilities" in Maternal ArtMaternal Art is a UK based independent Gallery & publishing house, bringing together work by artists who produce inspirational work about the maternal. My article " Reconceive Invisibilities" was published in June 2021. ...more
"Sub-maternal Exhaustion during a Pandemic" shown in the fabulous Maternochronics exhibition ...morePRESS: FERTILITY ARTICLE BY HETTIE JUDAH...
Critic and journalist, Hettie Judah, writes about my My Infertile Platitudes series, alongside other contemporary art on (in)fertility, in Elephant Magazine ...morePROJECT CONTRIBUTION: REMAKING THE HUMAN BODY RESEARCH PROJECT...
I shared some of my work-in-progress with the 'Remaking the Human Body' team shared details about their research process and findings. An opportunity to investigate some of the synergies between our projects, which in different ways explore how reproduction, fertility and (non-)reproductive bodies are visualised or, sometimes, become invisible. ...morePROJECT CONTRIBUTION: CONCEIVING FOR XR...
I worked with XR Psychologists with some of my images and writings on Infertility to transpose them into pieces for a new era that is being conceived and nurtured in the run up to COP26. ...morePUBLIC PARTICIPANTS: Call Out...
As part of my re.conceive project I worked with a large number of public participants on a series of online tasks. The responses were overwhelming and incredibly moving. ...more