PhD Practice
Infertile Text Experiments 2: A Performative Lost
A Performative Lost
Lost Words (2022) Drawn & Cut Text
These experiments consider linguistic constructions within performative utterances (Austin, 1955; Butler 1993, 1997) that proclaim (medicalised) infertility, and explore performative verbs that congratulate or agree through notions of pregnancy or loss. Can the sentence, “I’m infertile” not only describe a given reality, but also change the social reality it is describing? Can a woman declare herself infertile or does an authorised medical professional have to successfully perform this illocutionary act? To what extent is the performative utterance of infertility tied up with structures of power and how does this relate to semantics used by women themselves, who may be “trying to conceive” or “trying for a baby”?
These experiments consider linguistic constructions within performative utterances (Austin, 1955; Butler 1993, 1997) that proclaim (medicalised) infertility, and explore performative verbs that congratulate or agree through notions of pregnancy or loss. Can the sentence, “I’m infertile” not only describe a given reality, but also change the social reality it is describing? Can a woman declare herself infertile or does an authorised medical professional have to successfully perform this illocutionary act? To what extent is the performative utterance of infertility tied up with structures of power and how does this relate to semantics used by women themselves, who may be “trying to conceive” or “trying for a baby”?